Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cats Classified Pets Event @ East Coast Park

We were at the Cats Classified Pets Event at East Coast Park on Sunday, 11 Mar 2012.

Though this event is nothing much compared to the one we attended last year but I did have a fun morning mingling with the doggies and running at the beach. Opps! But there was definitely one thing that I hated to do on that day. And that is..... grooming! Grrrr....

Small jiejie and Daddy paid S$10.00 which they thought was really cheap for grooming (as in fur cutting) but alas, S$10.00 was only for cutting my fingernails, trimming my paw pads and cleaning my ears....

Nayyy....I did not enjoy a single moment of this so-called grooming session...

Hey, seriously who like being molested by two humans at one time??

Please stop squashing my head! It's already small enough!!

Ouch!!! Told you to be gentle with my small head! You've knocked me silly now.... I don't want to be a stupid dog!! Grrrr....

So glad the session is over... Back to some fun at the park!

Searching for my doggie friends..

Taking a rest and watching my doggie friends performing on stage. Oppss!! Are doggies allowed on the seats?

After that, its beach time! But I don't really like water... Can we change activity to just a walk on the sandy beach, Daddy?

I think I saw someone familiar...

Oh Daddy! It's the beagle that we saw just now! Can we just be polite and go over to say hello?

Anyway, it was a tiring but happy day for me! I'm also super happy over my collection of free gifts, treats, kibbles, water bottles, food bowls etc... Yippee!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Fishball Mission

Opps! I smell something on the table. Mummy, what's that you are having? Seems yummy!

Can't see clearly. Maybe I try jumping to catch a better view. Best if I can catch an accidental flying fishball. Aim!

No luck.... Or maybe I can act cute and Mummy will take pity on me?

WHAT!!! Mummy say NO. Scooby cannot eat the hot hot fishball!! Oh.... there goes my yummy fishball mission.... Fail..

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pawfolio Photoshoot!

I am one of the selected dogs to take part in the Pawfolio project. Together with 250 other breeds of dogs, we will be appearing in a book titled Pawfolio which will be released next year to help raise funds for the poor stray doggies in Singapore.

Below are some of the photos that were taken at the studio on 25 Feb 2012.

Me being a goody boy sitting nicely on the strawberry seat.

Yippee!! Jumping for joy at being one of the model doggies!

Jiejie, is there any rewards for being a model boy?

Giving Small Jiejie a High-5!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dog Run @ West Coast Park

Yesterday evening, my family brought me to the Dog Run at West Coast Park. This isn't the first time that I was there. The last time, there were many big doggies at the run. However, this time round, there were only a few small size doggies.

Nevertheless, I still get to know 2 Japanese doggie friends. Their owner had just came to Singapore and I had lots of fun smelling and playing chase with them!

That's my 2 Japanese friends smelling and getting to know me!

See below video of us playing around the big open space!

This is my other doggie friend at the park.

Waiting for Daddy, Small Jiejie and Big Jiejie.... Why are you so slow?
PitaPata Dog tickers